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How to Conduct Keyword Research for B2B SEO Success


In today’s digital landscape where every business is striving to achieve online visibility, mastering the art of B2B Keyword Research is essential. Google’s Algorithm is constantly evolving, but one thing that has always remained constant is the use of the right keywords.

While in keyword research, there is not a massive difference between B2C and B2B, B2B being a niche market, the efforts are automatically more. Lucky for you, We at The 4P Solutions have specialized in B2B SEO services

In this blog, we will define keyword research, state its importance and provide a guide to run proper keyword research for your B2B company.

What is Keyword Research?

Keyword Research is the process of aligning your business with the customer’s interest. In simple terms, it is the process of finding search terms that your audience enters into a search engine around your brand. 

Importance of Keyword Research for B2B Business? 

More than 50% of website traffic comes from organic search, meaning 50% of organic traffic depends on your keywords. People use keywords to search on Google. Keyword research helps you find the keywords that your target audience is actually searching on Google.

B2B Keyword Research is a set of strategies aimed at improving your brand’s visibility on SERP.  In this process, you will get high-quality organic leads with high potential to be converted into sales. Keyword Research is the base of your content strategy and to generate more leads for your paid strategy, such as PPC. 

To know more about perfecting keywords for improving your CTR, read our blog: Maximizing PPC Success: Perfecting Keywords and Ad Copy for Click-Through Rates

Challenges of B2B SEO Keyword Research:

Keyword research for B2B brands can be tricky. Here are a few common challenges that B2B brands face in keyword research:

  • Targeting the right audience
  • Low Search Volume of keywords
  • Small Keyword Database
  • Competitive landscape

To read more about the role of keywords and content in SEO, read our blog: On-Page Excellence: The Role of Keywords and Content Optimization in SEO Success

13 Ways to Conduct Keyword Research for B2B SEO Success

Proper keyword research can significantly enhance your B2B SEO efforts, driving organic traffic and ensuring your services are discovered by the right audience. Here are a few tried and tested ways to conduct keyword research for B2B SEO success:

  • Study your audience: 
    The first step of any marketing tactic will be understanding your target audience. Understanding your audience will help you understand your target customer’s tone and language. You can even understand the phrases they often use for searching.
  • Understanding the search intent of the user: 
    Before diving into keyword research, studying your user and the user’s search intent is essential. Understanding user search intent is essential to ensure you target the right audience. While this may sound scary, only manually reviewing the SERP for keywords can establish the users’ search intent. There are four types of user search intent:
    • Informational: The users need the information to solve their problem to answer the question.
    • Transactional: The users are looking to make a purchase.
    • Commercial: The user still needs convincing before purchasing and is comparing prices or reading reviews.
    • Navigational: The user is searching for a specific page.

To understand more about the user search intent, read our blog: Clicks and Queries: Understanding User Intent with GSC Search Analytics

  • Competitor Analysis:
    The B2B market is highly competitive, with so many brands vying for the attention of a smaller pool of target customers. Analyzing your competitors is not about copying them but about differentiating your strategy. This often leads to a focus on targeting long-tail keywords and straying away from broader queries.
  • Identify seed keywords:
    A seed keyword is something that your audience searches online.  Start with something broad. The best way to identify seed keywords is by putting yourself in your customer’s shoes.
    A list of keywords related to your industry or service can be a good start. You can do that by describing your product/service in the simplest terms. These seed keywords can serve as a base for your further research. 
  • Research beyond your direct competitors:
    While researching for keywords, do not limit solely to your direct competitors. Often, your SEO keywords are different from your direct competitors. Your SEO competitors are basically your SERP competitors, often include the ones that rank higher in search results around your target keywords. 
  • Leverage your existing customer data for research:
    Your existing customer data is a gold mine for keywords and content inspiration.  By analyzing your existing customer testimonial, you can understand what your clients are looking out of your service/product. You can understand your ideal customer’s biggest pain point which can help enhance your keyword research for B2B SEO success.
  • Localize keywords: 
    While researching for keywords for your B2B company that operates specific to certain locations, it is better to use region specific terms to target a local audience effectively. 
  • Long tail Keywords:
    Long tail keywords are phrases that your audience use to find your services. They may have a lesser search volume. However, it is highly targeted and results in higher conversion rates.  
  • Use semantic SEO:
    Search engines are smarter now. They can understand context, synonyms, related terms and variation. Semantic relevance can broaden your reach and cater effectively to evolving search algorithms.
  • Group Keywords into categories:
    Keyword grouping is essential to map for gaps in your current keyword research and fill them accordingly. You can group your keywords according to
    • Specific service/product
    • Buyer persona and buyer interests
    • Stages of the user journey
    • Content formats 
  • Prioritize Keywords with high value:
    While prioritizing for keywords, you need to focus on search volume and relevance. You should also target keywords that are less competitive in nature. You should always prioritize the keywords that drive higher-quality traffic and the keywords around which you can create content. 
  • Utilize the right keyword research tools: 
    There are many tools available to help you with your B2B keyword research. Some of the most popular keyword research tools are Google Keyword Planner, Semrush, MOZ . 
  • Track your Keywords: 
    Just like any other SEO element, tracking and analyzing your keywords is essential. It is important to monitor which keywords are driving the most traffic, so that you can tweak your SEO strategy accordingly.

To know more about digital marketing for B2B industries,read our blog: Building Trust in a Digital World: How B2B Industries Can Establish Credibility through Digital Marketing

How can we help you conduct keyword research that guarantees SEO success?

As India’s leading B2B SEO agency, The 4P Solutions can help you in the following ways.

  • By leveraging our decade-long experience in professional SEO services, we can find highly relevant keywords and strategically add them in your content. 
  • With the data-driven approach of our SEO consultants, we can utilize the right keyword research tools, continuously track the keywords and monitor the position of your webpages on SERP.
  • We also set SEO goals and track progress accordingly to achieve your overall digital marketing goals.

To schedule a consultation with our SEO experts, contact us at 8928609451 today.


What are keywords important?

Keywords are essential in digital content because they serve as the bridge between what people are searching for and the content you provide. By using the right keywords, you can enhance the visibility of your business, drive the right organic traffic and boost the chance of your conversions.

Is ChatGpt good for keyword research?

With proper prompt, ChatGpt can be useful for keyword brainstorming, topic ideation and preparing a list of “seed keywords”. However, it is important to understand that ChatGpt has no access to search volume and other supporting metrics to make it 100% reliable for keyword research.

How do I generate keywords for SEO?

If you have a seed keyword, you can insert that into a keyword research tool like Semrush’s Keyword Magic tool, select your target location and get keyword suggestions based on the seed keyword you entered.

What are the qualities of keywords?

Qualities of a keyword are:

  • Relevance
  • Popularity
  • Search volume
  • competition on the keyword.
