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International SEO Strategies for B2B Global Expansion


All Set to take your business online, but what about your SEO? You may be thinking that your SEO strategy is all set. However, SEO is an ongoing process, and what works for your region will only work for some areas. This means your SEO strategy should be optimized according to your desired location.

As a digital marketing company with expertise in B2B SEO, in this blog, we will teach you the ways to create your strategy in other countries and conquer global markets effectively.

Let us start with understanding what precisely international SEO is.

What is international SEO?

International SEO is the practice of optimizing your website to target overseas countries and the language of your business. This ensures your website is visible to the right target audience according to your desired country and boosts your global digital visibility.

How does International SEO work?

Google is trained to find content relevant to the user’s location, language and search intent. International SEO lets the search engines know that your page has content apt for users based in that particular country, boosting your global reach. 

While this may seem similar to local SEO, local SEO is meant to appeal to a particular audience in one region. At the same time, the international SEO campaign aims to reach multiple countries or large global areas. 

What is the difference between Local SEO and International SEO?

There are several critical differences between Local and international SEO for B2B business. This includes

Local SEOInternational SEO
Keywords that are specific to a particular area.Keywords focus on geographical regions.
Website content optimized to attract local customers.Content is broad and covers various topics to target multiple languages and markets.
Content and information are highly location-specificContent is adapted according to varied preferences, cultural and colloquial differences according to different target regions.
Local SEO includes optimizing for local listings such as GBM.International SEO is customized according to rules and regulatory requirements across different regions.
Backlinks in the content are typically web pages with a local audience.Backlinks in content are typically web pages with a global audience.

Now that you have a better idea about International SEO, let us discuss ways to develop your international SEO Strategy.

How to Develop an International B2B SEO Strategy?

B2B businesses need to design their SEO strategy in a way that reaches their preferred global audiences. Some websites may include multiple languages on a single site, while some can develop different websites for each region. 

While targeting customers in another country, you need to be sure that you are making it easy for Google to access your website. One common mistake that SEO amateurs often make is they auto-translated content on their website in a sub-section. However, this can do more harm than good. Here are tips for developing your SEO strategy for B2B Global Expansion.

  • Decide your target location:
    First, it is essential to pick your target location. The more focused you are on your target location and audience, the easier it is to strategize. You can analyze the area where your brand gets constant traffic sources with GA4. 
  • Conduct International Keyword Research:
    Now that we have decided on the target location, the next step is to carry out thorough keyword research. While conducting keyword research, it is essential to consider colloquial differences between countries.

    It is also important to consider that the search volume of keywords will also differ from country to country. You can search for the highest search volume according to the location using Google Keyword Planner. 
  • Select the apt domain structure: 
    Even after proper on-page signals, it can be confusing for Google to understand which pages serve which market. To target markets effectively, each landing page needs a version of content on dedicated URLs. As SEO experts, we suggest that just translating content is a no-go. Machine translation content confuses Google even more. You should choose a URL that allows crawlers to discover and index your content efficiently. 

    Several options exist, such as using a generic top-level domain for international content (.com, .org, .net). In order to serve different content according to the target country, it is important to use country-specific domains. 
  • Implementing hre flang:
    Hre flag is a code usually present in a page’s backend. Hre Flang can boost the user experience and provide Google with a list of alternative URLs for a specific page. This can help Google understand and serve users with the content that is most relevant to them.

    It is essential to analyze your top converting traffic with the help of tools such as GA4 before expanding to new markets. To know more about GA4, read our blog: From Data Chaos to Strategic Insights: Google Analytics 4 for Business Growth 
  • Adapt content topics specific to your target region:
    When deciding the content topics, it is essential to address the users’ pain points properly. Remember the cultural and colloquial differences so your content is relevant to the user.
  • Build backlinks apt for a global audience:
    While building backlinks, it is essential to build backlinks from the site that has authority in your target market. You can create backlinks by guest blogging or participating in local forums.

Does every B2B business need International SEO Strategies?

Not every B2B business needs an International SEO strategy. All of your digital marketing strategy should align with your overall business goals. If your B2B business caters only to the local audience, investing in international SEO is not beneficial for your business. However, global SEO strategies become crucial if your B2B business has ambitions to expand globally. 

How can The 4P Solutions help your business expand globally?

As India’s renowned B2B digital marketing agency with expertise in managing SEO

  • We can tailor your content to align with your specific target audience, ensuring that your business effectively reaches the right audience.
  • As a leading B2B SEO agency in India, we can conduct in-depth market research to understand your target audience, local competition and market trends to curate a targeted international SEO strategy.
  • Leveraging a decade of experience as a digital marketing expert specializing in managing the social media presence of B2B brands, we can craft a comprehensive strategy that combines both social media and international SEO.


Why is international SEO strategy important?

An international SEO strategy is important for businesses with an existing global presence or a brand that is aiming to reach clients beyond their current market on a global scale. It enables your website to improve its rankings in various countries, thereby increasing the visibility of your business on a global scale digitally. 

What is the best SEO strategy in the world?

Certainly, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach to SEO strategy since it needs to align with your specific business and industry requirements. Customizing your approach is crucial in SEO.  However, effective SEO involves thorough market analysis, understanding your competitors, conducting comprehensive keyword research, optimizing on-page content, creating tailored content for your audience, and conducting technical audits. By tailoring these elements according to your unique needs, your SEO strategy becomes highly effective for your business.

Is SEO important for B2B business?

SEO should be the most important aspect of your B2B business digital marketing strategy. B2B SEO increases the online visibility of your B2B brand and aids in building a better brand reputation. 

What is the SEO content strategy for B2B?

A B2B SEO content strategy is a plan to effectively use content to support your SEO efforts and overall business goals. SEO content strategy ensures that the presence of your business is improved digitally and your business gets more leads and sales with the help of unique content tailored according to your business and audience. 
