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Clicks and Queries: Understanding User Intent with GSC Search Analytics


Google has always been known for its commitment to putting its users first. It keeps on updating its algorithm around its core philosophy of user-centric content. As the most preferred search engine, Google prioritizes delivering the most valuable content according to the user search intent.

In this blog, we will uncover the secrets behind user intent and how Google Search Console (GSC) insights can be your guiding light to uncover the secret. Before delving into the topic, let’s establish a foundational understanding of GSC search analytics and User Search Intent.

What is Google Search Console?

Google Search Console (GSC) is a tool by Google that offers a backstage pass to understand how Google views your website. It monitors your site performance and gives you information about the crawling and indexing of web pages. It also provides valuable insights into how often your user clicks on specific content.

This further helps in optimizing your presence on Google with GSC data. If you are unsure of how Google actually understands your website content, read our blog about On Page Excellence.

People often get confused between two website analysis tools of Google: GA4 and GSC. While they have their strengths, both tools can give you a complete picture of your website’s performance. The below table highlights the significant difference between the two.

GA4 v/s GSC:

User-orientedSearch engine focused
Reports on visitor’s trafficReports on search visibility
Monitors different aspects of website trafficMonitors how your website performs on Google
Key metrics include: Impressions, Clicks, CTR and User Search QueriesKey metrics include: Page Views, Conversion Rate, Bounce Rate, Time spent by user, etc.

To understand more about GA4, read our blog: From Data Chaos to Strategic Insights: Google Analytics 4 for Business Growth

Having established a basic grasp of GSC, let’s embark on a more profound exploration of User Intent and the pivotal metrics that GSC helps us monitor: Clicks and Queries.

What is User Search Intent and its importance?

User Search Intent is basically the answer to a central question around understanding your user’s behaviour: Why has the user initiated a particular online search?

As a leading digital marketing company, when our SEO strategist researches keywords, they give immense importance to the keyword intent. Keyword intent is basically aligning your keywords to what search intent your content satisfies so that your content ranks higher on relevant searches.

According to the action that a user wants to take, search Intent can be broken down into four major types: do, know, go and choose. Let’s take a look at them in a more detailed way so that you can optimize your content strategy accordingly.

Types of Search Intent:

Understanding the different types of search intent is crucial for tailoring content and SEO strategies to meet user needs effectively. Here are the primary types of search intent:

  • Informational Intent (I want to know):

Users with informational intent seek answers to queries around a particular topic. Often, such users use their searches with a question and exit the Search Engine Results Page (SERP) once they get their answer.

Example of Informational Intent Query: How to create a social media account?

How is this intent relevant to businesses: Content around informational intent can prove to Google that your content is backed with expertise and trustworthiness.

  • Navigational Intent (I want to go)

    Navigational intent is when SERP users are specifically trying to find something. In such a kind of query, users usually know what they are searching for. Navigational intent can be further divided into subcategories:
    Example of Local Intent Query: Digital marketing company near me
  • Branded Intent: Branded Intent is when a user is directly searching for brand or company information

    Example of Branded Intent Query: Nike shoes

How is this intent relevant to businesses: It is debatable whether navigation search intent should be part of the SEO strategy. You may not attract such queries unless you are a reputed brand or offer a unique service. However, we do recommend adding at least brand-specific keywords around navigational content so that your webpage pops up in SERP when people search for it.

  • Transactional Intent (I want to do)
    Users with transactional intent plan to take a specific action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a service.

How is this intent relevant to businesses: This search intent is most likely to result in conversion and is most relevant to e-commerce websites or for someone selling their products/services online. However, it is vital that the content presented in such a query is well backed up with informational content.

Example of Transactional Intent Query: Book a flight to Canada

  • Commercial Intent (Choose)
    Users in this stage are researching and comparing products or services before making a decision. These searches can also be extremely location-specific. Content around reviews and case studies often satisfies this search intent.

How is this intent relevant to businesses: Content that targets this type of intent helps boost brand awareness and builds brand credibility.

Example of Commercial Intent Query: Best Digital marketing company near me

Now that you have a brief understanding of user intent let us understand how we can understand user intent with GSC Search Analytics:

Deciphering the Digital Clues: Clicks and Queries

Clicks and Queries are essential metrics to reveal volumes about your content strategy.

Clicks: Clicks represent the number of interactions that your content received from a search query. If your click-through rate (CTR) is higher, Google will rank your content to be relevant to the search query. Conversely, low CTR suggests a mismatch. To know more about CTR, read our blog: Everything you need to know about CTR.

Here’s what you can deduce from Clicks:

  • Understand the relevance of your content with user intent
  • Get insights into the effectiveness of your content by looking further into user behaviour analysis.
  • Gauge the effectiveness of meta tags, titles and descriptions from clicks.
  • Get an opportunity to optimize underperforming content to satisfy the user search intent of your target audience effectively.

Queries: Queries are words/phrases that your audience uses to reach your content. Analyzing Queries as a user engagement metric is similar to understanding a story, as they guide you to what your users desire.

Here’s what you can deduce from Queries:

  • Connects user expectations to your content
  • Offers insights into the tone/language of your target user
  • Understand the search intent of your website user
  • Get insights into long-tail keywords for more targeted content curation.
  • Monitor Key Page Performance
  • Refining your content strategy and brand tone according to the insights
  • Curate an SEO strategy with user search intent in mind for improving user experience

How can we help you navigate the landscape of user intent?

As India’s leading B2B marketing agency, The 4P Solutions can help you in the following ways:

  • Our SEO experts can review how your website is performing on Google, identify technical SEO issues and curate content that resonates with your target audience’s search intent.
  • We can adapt your content and strategies with GSC insights and embark on a journey to enhance user satisfaction and fortify your online presence.

To schedule a free consultation, call us on 8928609451 today.


Is GSC data accurate?

Ranking data on GSC is reasonably accurate and helpful to website owners and SEO experts. It provides relevant data about the performance of your website.

What does GSC mean in Google?

In the context of Google, GSC is a Google Search Console that allows website owners and SEO experts to monitor your website’s presence on Google.

What is GSC keyword?

GSC keyword typically refers to a search query that has led users to your website. While GSC is not a keyword research tool, if we tend to include phrases/ search queries that redirect users to your webpage, we can align our SEO strategy around that user search intent.

How to use GSC for SEO?

GSC can be used for SEO in the following ways:

  • Monitor CTR and organic traffic
  • Analyze crucial backlink data and on-page content
  • Understand how Google views your page content
  • Keyword research and optimization
  • Understanding where your webpage ranks on specific user query
