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Social Listening and Engagement: Strengthening Brand Reputation with Hootsuite’s Monitoring Features


The most basic of all human needs is the need to be heard. Consumers expect the same basic requirement to be fulfilled by brands too. Recent statistics argue that when customers feel connected to the brand, 76% prefer purchasing from them over a competitor. 

This sense of connection with a brand can only be established when the brand’s marketers listen to their audience’s needs. Born out of the need to listen to their customers, social listening is a compelling tactic to connect better with every other online audience and establish a strong online brand presence. It involves keeping track of your brand.

What exactly does social listening mean?

Social listening is the practice of monitoring and analyzing online conversations of and around keywords and mentions of your brand. The factors measured are –

  • Conversations around your business 
  • Your industry trends
  • Competition 
  • Potential threats or brandjacking attempts
  • Your audience’s opinion, tone and sentiment

Social listening is all about having your ears everywhere and delving into deeper conversations about your brand and industry. Tracking these parameters can enhance your brand reputation and build social media to help your business flourish.

For more information read this blog: how you can use social media to grow your business

What is Brand Reputation?

Brand reputation is your customer’s or business partner’s perception of your brand. A positive brand reputation builds loyalty and trust towards your business. With brand reputation management, audiences can develop trust in your brand and will definitely choose you over your competitors.

In the hustle and bustle of regular business practices, brand reputation can take a backseat. 

However, the lack of brand reputation efforts can cause major damage to your business. In the digital age, online brand monitoring is integral to brand success, which can be accomplished with proper tools. Businesses, small and big alike, take the help of social listening tools like Hootsuite and or partner with a reputed SMM agency for online reputation management. 

What is the Hootsuite’s monitoring feature?

Hootsuite is a social media management tool that assists marketers in planning, scheduling and syndicating social media posts. With Hootsuite’s dashboard, you can manage all your social media platforms in one place and stay on top of your social listening skills.

Here’s a list of features of Hootsuite’s monitoring feature that can help build a better brand:

  • Being accessible to your customers: 

According to a recent study, 62% of B2B customers purchased more after a good customer service encounter. Good customer service in the digital age entails responding to and connecting with the audience.

Hootsuite Streams is a social media management tool that allows you to streamline monitoring your brand mentions, public posts, keywords and hashtags across varied social media platforms in one dashboard. You can understand your post’s engagement in real time and address the comments accordingly.

  • Build a rapport with your audience: 

In today’s instant gratification age, customers love a brand that responds to queries asap and has a better online brand presence. With this social listening tool, you can immediately respond to conversations or mentions from the dashboard instead of logging in and out of accounts. 

You can even track the history of individual interaction with your brand so that you can give better-personalized replies.

In addition to establishing your brand’s online presence and the audience’s perception of your business, you can track how they feel about trends and engage with them further by validating their viewpoint on that popular issue. This will also provide you with new brand material and campaign ideas. 

  • Gain an edge over the competition:

To be on top, you must not only manage your own business but also keep an eye on the socials of your competitors. 

For effective B2B marketing on social media, you must keep track of your rivals and other industry experts with Hootsuite’s monitoring tool. Knowing your competitors can help you keep up with them. 

  • Uncover industry trends: 

We all know that social media is a constantly changing scene. Social media is used as a source of purchase choices by 84% of B2B executives. As a result, social media engagement is critical for B2B businesses. 

Staying on top of these trends, particularly industry trends, ensures that your company retains vital, engaging material, which is especially critical for effective b2b marketing on social media. 

By refining your searches, you can find new trends, be an industry leader, and avoid missing out on vital industry dialogues.

  • Effective crisis management:

Negative reviews may quickly spread and escalate into a catastrophe, negatively affecting your online brand presence

How you respond and reply is critical. Active social listening will alert you to a possible tragedy and take appropriate action. You may examine the digital landscape for potential risks and brand-hijacking attempts.

With Hootsuite insights, you can quantify sentiments and emotions. You may also establish an alert for changes in brand sentiment analysis using the information, which can assist in mitigating possible risks and alter your marketing approach as needed.


At the point when social media is establishing a feeling of community, B2B brands have the option of leveraging these channels to strengthen the relationship. Social media engagement provides a plethora of information that can be used to improve brand reputation. 

The challenge is knowing how to use this data effectively and make better business decisions. This is where we can help. 

As India’s leading B2B marketing agency providing social media marketing services, The 4P Solutions can help you in the following ways. 

  • We help you navigate the world of social media marketing and boost your brand reputation. 
  • We can utilize your social data effectively and design a campaign that resonates better with your target audience. 

To schedule a free consultation, call us on 892860945 today.


What is the difference between social media monitoring and social listening?

A social media monitoring software analyses conversations about your company, brand or campaign to measure its popularity. On the other hand, social listening is a broader term for listening to social conversations and trends about your brand, your specific industry and your competitors.

Can social listening help in generating leads?

People use social media to discuss purchases and review the products they have used. You can develop trust and generate more leads by having an open dialogue with these customers, keeping a tab, and sharing their reviews on your page.

What are the benefits of social listening for B2B brands?

With social listening, B2B businesses can track sentiment, improve brand presence, track competitor’s social presence and follow industry trends.

How does social listening work?

Any mentions of your brand or keywords may be found with a competent social listening service. You will be alerted whenever someone in the digital environment discusses your brand, industry, or any other pertinent information to you.
