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Digital marketing insights

Digital Marketing Insights to Leverage in Your B2B Business

The advent of the digital scenario has changed the way Business-to-Business (B2B) communication is done. Technology is constantly evolving and every B2B business needs to adapt to the changes in order to meet the expectations of your audience and stay ahead of the competition. 

In a competitive marketplace, your approach to marketing your product or service will determine the success and failure and make or break your brand. As per research by U.S based Merit Marketing – Global Leader in Market Invention, 73 % of B2B buyers are now millennials. 

With the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, more b2b businesses are now taking the digital route to reach out to their customers.There are many B2B marketing agencies that can help you with devising effective strategies with current trends and insights. 

Brands that adopt comprehensive B2B marketing services will be able to sustain and bring the bigger potential for their business in the long run. Let’s have a look at the top 5 digital marketing insights B2B businesses can leverage in 2021. 

Buyer Personas and Expectations

Every buyer has a different persona which helps you know and defines who your target customer is on the basis of segmentation, targeting and positioning. A customer has several touchpoints before they make the final action. You must understand and map what are the channels of your customer’s journey and find out the most effective ones while you make them a part of your digital marketing strategy. This will also help you make the best communication to them for your product /service and meet their expectations in the competitive marketplace. 

Video Marketing 

Video marketing is one such insight that has picked up a while ago and is going to get stronger in the times to come. Nowadays, video marketing has become an advanced digital marketing tool and is very useful for B2B businesses as it adds a visual aspect to the buyer’s journey. You can leverage various types of content for videos like – pitch videos, company introductions, testimonials, case studies, success stories, demo videos etc. You can use Augmented Reality (AR) to accentuate the experience of the buyer digitally. The video content can be posted on multiple platforms that give you a wider reach. This insight is definitely gaining traction as more than 70% of B2B buyers watch videos to complete their product research. 

LinkedIn Marketing

Social media platforms are one insight that is here to stay and an integral part for every B2B business to leverage. It is the most commonly used platform for the source of information, referrals and recommendations. For B2B business, LinkedIn is the top platform for marketing as it engages professionals around the world. New features like ‘Boosting’ – to convert performing organic posts into paid ads, ‘Event ads’ – to promote event details, ‘Custom Streaming’ – to help marketers broadcast through LinkedIn live etc. will go out of the way to reach your target audience. 

Local Search Optimization

Local Search Optimization is one insight that is often underrated but it is a very important component for B2B businesses. LSO uses Google My Business listings that help B2B brands with geo-targeted marketing strategies. Your brand’s GMB data helps prospective buyers to search you on the SERP, find more information about your products/services, read reviews, find the physical location and contact you. Hence, this is one insight you must explore and leverage for your brand. 

Artificial Intelligence

B2B companies are widely using Artificial Intelligence to address and enhance customer experience. One of the finest examples of AI is Chatbots that gives customers a convenient way to interact and also saves a lot of time for the companies with automation. It enhances speed, efficiency and accuracy of communication and helps you understand the needs of your customers better. 

Digital marketing is a key component for the success of every B2B company. By following these 5 digital marketing insights, your brand can flourish and stand out from the competition. 

If you want to stay ahead of the curve and build your brand presence & engage with your B2B prospects digitally, The 4P Solutions is your go-to B2B digital marketing company that can take your brand to the next level with its strategic approach.
