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Digitalization has led to progressive advancement in various industries and almost every brand is trying to leverage the digital space to create their unique identity, to stand out among the competitors and help them get more visibility which consequently would drive more returns in terms of potential leads and closing a deal. Before moving ahead, let us focus on the main market segments according to their deliverables viz B2B and B2C marketing.

Both the market segments differ drastically from one another in terms of its objectives, target audience and even the communication. Considering these points, it is to be noted that B2B marketing campaigns turn challenging due to the limited number of promotional channels available. Having said that, utilizing the available platforms, one can yield maximum profits.

Generally, the first movers in any segment enjoy a monopoly and as they are easily recognized, they seldom invest in digital marketing but interestingly more than 54% of the B2B potential clients search on Google for the product details before making any decision. Thus, online presence becomes crucial in brand awareness. It is advisable to keep company website mobile-friendly as 70% website traffic comes from mobile devices and approximately 50% queries are generated through smartphones.
It is important to turn these 50% queries into a successful business, hence it is necessary to share some value-adding content.
Taking into consideration the above statistics, switching to digital marketing would help your business in the long-run. It is both cost-effective and preferable method to target your potential clients.

Challenges faced by Chemical Industries in India

As we discussed earlier, chemical industries in India have certain limitations. Product differentiation and marketing the USPs in the chemical industry are difficult to achieve when compared to the competitors because of the identical constituents listed on the packaging. To grab the attention of the right leads, both at local and global markets, the product first has to position in a certain way, which can only be achieved through innovative marketing. There are examples of digital marketing strategies that have helped the chemical industry to overcome hurdles in sales.

Slowly, when the market leaders understood the changing dynamics of the industry, they deviated towards digital marketing strategies to get insights and understand the pulse of the market, to give them that additional competitive edge.

Digital Transformation of the Chemical Industry
Here are the important aspects of digital marketing in the chemical industry one needs to keep in mind, to become a market leader.

  • Creating a strong brand image.
    As discussed, it is critical to find the USP, as more or less it includes the same components. One needs to pay more attention to the details like name, logo, design, etc and make it distinct as compared to other competitors. Apart from the mentioned, it also includes timely deliverables, quality products, competitive pricing, customer support as 80% of the buyer’s decision depends on reviews and this could be later communicated to the target group using content marketing.
  • Content Marketing.
    It is said that around 96% of B2B buyers want content advocated by industry leaders or resourced from trusted sources. Hence, focusing more on SEO driven content could result in targeting the right customers. It is considered to be the most influential strategic approach which focuses on delivering relevant, valuable, and consistent content which will help drive more audiences and retain them as loyal customers. It is to be noted that digital marketers have been spending a major piece into content optimization and have found interesting results over time. Long posts and blog articles work well when it comes to this sector and accordingly, 80% make utmost use of such an important piece of content.
  • Pull vs Push Marketing
    Chemical industry marketers could use pull marketing, by curating engaging, educational, informative, and entertaining content that could add value for the audience, this would ensure your presence and help in brand recall rather than pushing different sales ads and ad campaigns which could end up getting in the spam folder. Approximately 81% of B2B buyers consume Newsletters and email content.
  • Social Media Marketing
    It would come as a surprise to few but in these changing times, tapping social media platforms becomes important. Not just being on the space but being active helps in attracting a few possible potential leads. According to the latest insights, around 50% of B2B marketers consume social media content. Also, communication is key. The communication should align with the objectives and face of the brand.

Every brand is unique and so its story. The digital marketing techniques would sound similar but the applications and weightage of medium differ from industry to industry. Every Digital story 2.0 is curated after thorough research and an ample amount of resources. The 4P Solutions has successfully handled esteemed clients from chemical industries in Mumbai and India. We are a group of young and vibrant individuals, who would help you set a perfect platform for your brand and with our excellent services in terms of creativity and delivering the best results, we have successfully become a perfect solution for all digital marketing concerns. If you are still thinking how digital marketing would help you drive more audience and how social media could act as a valuable source for lead generation, talk to the best digital marketing company in Mumbai– The 4P Solutions.
