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Why is it Important to be on Google Search?

How does Search Engine Optimization Help You Rank on Google?

In the B2B world, reaching the right companies is especially important. What’s more important than reaching the right people within those organizations. If you’ve been in business long enough, you know that outreach in the B2B space is not particularly easy. 

To tackle this, a lot of B2B businesses today are turning towards digital marketing for lead generation. With digital marketing for lead generation in the B2B space on the rise, you need to ensure that your business is visible to the right people, at a time when they’re looking for your solution. 

Why is it Important to be on Google Search?

Let’s take your example. When you need something, what do you do? High chances are that you go online and use Google to type in a term that describes what you need, and click ‘search’.

 You get hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of results. Statistics show that 75% of Google’s users don’t scroll past the first page of a Google search. Another study shows that over 25% of users click on the first Google search result. 

Now, imagine the kind of traffic you would drive to your company’s website if you work towards ranking your company’s website higher in Google search results. This is the power of search engine optimization. 

What is Search Engine Optimization?

While the basic meaning and the power of search engine optimization have been made evident, for you to improve Google ranking is more complicated than that. 

Along with the knowledge of your industry, you need to have a thorough knowledge of how Google works, what people are searching for, and how you can ensure that they see your website at the top when they search for those terms. 

Additionally, search engine optimization (or SEO) is a continuous process. 

It starts with researching the terms that your customers are searching for, strategically picking out the terms that you want to rank for, and then creating and implementing a roadmap to ranking in the first place, which includes optimizing your website as required, as well as on-page and off-page activities. All of this – and more – is required to improve Google’s ranking. 

Doing search engine optimization activities on a continuous basis, and having the necessary knowledge of implementing it, is not easy unless you have experience and/or specialize in SEO. 

Are You Looking for Digital Marketing Experts for your B2B Business?

That’s why you need a good B2B digital marketing agency to give you a helping hand and guide you in the right direction. 

B2B digital marketing agencies that can improve Google ranking for you, can save you time, money, and generate more business for you in a shorter period of time. 

Instead of approaching prospects and hoping they’re interested in purchasing from you, SEO helps your business get discovered by people who are already looking for your solution. 

Most B2B businesses focus on digital marketing for lead generation through social media advertising. While that’s effective, a growing number of B2B businesses now prefer SEO for one vital reason – it brings warm leads directly to you, organically

To market effectively in a competitive environment, what you really need is an all-inclusive digital marketing plan for B2B businesses

Your ideal choice for B2B SEO 

Choosing the right B2B digital marketing agency for your search engine optimization activities is important – they are the ones guiding you and implementing SEO for your company. 

If you’re in Mumbai, you might come across a list of top digital marketing agencies in Mumbai with a simple Google search, but it’s uncertain whether they might be the right choice for your individual need.  

The 4P Solutions, one of the top B2B digital marketing agencies in Mumbai, might be of particular interest to your business, because of these reasons:

  1. We specialize in B2B digital marketing. 
  2. We have 9+ years of experience in search engine optimization. 
  3. We build a comprehensive digital marketing plan for B2B business that’s custom-made for your business. 
  4. We have been around for a long time, and they know the value of investing blood, sweat, and tears into your business. 

So contact us today if you’re ready to show up on Google at the right place and the right time for your customers.
